
Life is short, encompassed by loss~ that as adults, fuel our minds to seek those special moments out when we will know we are exactly where we need to be...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One of those days...

Why yes, its been another one of those days where I am feeling like running away would be a fantastic idea... A nice secluded beach in a warmer climate. However, with four children and two dogs and my loving boyfriend its just not going to happen...

Once upon a time, I was a simple girl with few cares in my little piece of world. That was ages ago when life seemed so much more less chaotic.  A time when the snow in the winter seemed to be deeper and the summer sun much brighter... I often long for those days.  Days that I now wish I could share with my children with the knowledge I have now.  Life is tough and the time goes far to FAST.  When your younger its the little things in life that are the easiest to overlook and take for granted.  Now as an adult there are days that I wish I was a nine year old and my Mommy could make me one of those fantastic grilled cheeses and I would have the time to just be a kid... I on my own urging and persistence grew up far to fast. All though I have come to peace with my decisions and made the decision that REGRETS are a senseless waste of energy.  How can one regret something when for what ever reason it was something they chose to do at a different place in time? A mistake is something that is just easier to bear, when one makes a mistake you can work to fix it... Regrets on the other hand are final and harbor all those nasty feelings that as healthy mindful adults we need not dwell on... Mistakes are life's way of teaching us what not to do the next time...  Until the next time, hold the ones you love a little closer and smile a little wider, because their is always going to be someone who has it worse than you do... 

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